Our work > Product design

Product design.

No, not websites or apps… we’re talking about items that exist in the physical world.

Whether intended as bespoke and handcrafted, or for mass production—with 15 years experience in the built environment, we have the knowledge in production processes, material sciences and 3D documentation to bring any idea to reality.

Here are a handful of our original designs.



LEIF is the romantic allure and scent of candle light, presented in an equally beautiful candelabra made from solid metal that will last for generations and is infinitely recyclable.

Pieces assemble together almost like LEGO and are shipped in recycled packaging.


the GT pendant

The concept of the GT pendant is to mash automotive aesthetics into a domestic or commercial lighting setting.


Null pendant

Dieter Rams is famously quoted as saying “good design is as little design as possible” and that is exactly what the Null pendant set out to achieve. Can the design of a light be almost nothing at all?


On Tour

Inspired by vintage amplifiers and road cases which are commonly used for housing and transporting musical instruments, On Tour is a suite of furniture items designed to be on wheels and take a beating in just the same way.

Homewares—vinyl display

Hung up

Before IKEA started making picture frames you could house your vinyl collection in, there was Hung Up. With Hung Up you can not only display your favourite records, but also access them at a moment’s notice without having to take the frame off the wall.


Unity chair

The Unity chair was a concept design that married the old and the new; a timber base constructed with traditional, master-crafted wood work and modern, mechanised laser-cutting and computer-controlled metal fabrication. Despite its jagged geometry, the result is an ergonimcally-correct chair that is surprisingly comfortable.


Graphic design & branding